Dirt Girl's World: The grubining

I was a huge fan of Sprout tv shows and always waited for a actual dirt girl game. One day, while browsing the internet, I found a link to a game called "Dirt Girls World: Let's get grubby!" I rushed to download it and start it up. When it started, it threw me into the the character selection screen. I clicked Dirt girl, and a distorted and loud voice yelling "LETS GET GRUBBY!". I thought this was weird, but it was only the beginning.
I went into the first level, only to find Dirt Girl with a creepy grin. I brushed it off and progressed through the level. Halfway through, I found a spade. I picked it up. As I got to the end I meet a NPC. I got near the NPC, and Dirt Girl didn't hesitate to main and eat the Grub. The sight made me piss myself.
I unwillingly went on, all the maiming and feasting on dead corpses made me unrinate all over my room. As I got to the last level, I felt nauseated and had a migraine, but I had to beat it, I was almost there. After killing everyone in Grubtown, I was greeted with a video of Dirt Girl putting a gun up to her head and pulling the trigger. I deleted the game and hated sprout. But then, I realized that I was a horrible person for liking the series, and continuously playing even though I knew what was going on.
Thanks for watching the Jimmy Fallon show. Go away now.